Prepare for Accounting & Finance Interviews

How to make a great impression

Congratulations! you have landed an interview. Your CV jumped out and caught the attention of the hiring company, you’re one step closer to landing that dream job. Now its time to prepare for that interview and make a lasting impression.

We have got you covered, below we have tips on how to make that lasting impression. We have broken it down into three steps

  1. Before the interview
  2. During the interview
  3. After the interview

Part of our jobseeker service offering at Martina Quinn Finance Recruitment and STEM Recruitment Partners is interview preparation. 

Accounting and Finance interview

Before The Interview

Research The Company

Its obvious but its something that should never be
overlooked. Know everything on their website from their about us page, latest
news. product and services they provide and everything in between, know their website inside and out.

Don’t forget to check out their social media and take note
of key milestones, events, updates, or announcements. This will give you a
greater understanding of what the goals of the company are and will cover you for the inevitable ‘’What do you know about us’’ question. 

Research The Interviewers 

Often you might have information on who will be interviewing
you. Make use of LinkedIn and find out where they studied, where they were employed
previously and what groups they are members of.

This will help you build a rapport with your interviewer or
interviewers. Building a rapport early makes you stand out helps make a lasting impression.

Prepare Questions and Answers

‘’Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail’’ A famous quote from Roy
Keane, spoken in a different context but it also applies for interview
questions. Common interview questions such as

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Why do you want to leave your current role?
  • What interests you about our company?  

Will allow you to demonstrate who you are your experience, knowledge and value that you can bring the hiring company. Here is 21 common interview questions from Pass my

Know the job description

Read the job description multiple times and highlight what skills it emphasises. Match skills you have with the job description and have examples of how you used those experiences in past and current roles.

Use the STAR model to explain technical situations

STAR is an acronym for

  • Situation
  • Task
  • Action
  • Result

In the world of Accounting, Finance and Taxation its very easy to get bogged down by the technical details when answering a question. By using the STAR model, you can explain how your technical capabilities helped the company overcome a problem or situation.

Prepare examples of your work

It is common to be asked about specific work you have carried out in previous roles such as projects completed. Think of work you have done in the past that is relevant to the job description.

Gather a list of intelligent questions to ask the interviewer.

It’s not all one-way traffic when it comes to interviews, they provide a platform for you to understand the company better and understand the people in the company better. Interviews allow the employers to know if the candidate is serious about the position.

The interviewer will be expecting you to ask them questions, here is a list questions compiled by the Business Insider to ask the interviewer it may help you on the day. 

During The Interview

Get Your Outfit Ready

Make sure you have your formal outfit ready the night before the interview. Don’t be scrambling around the house looking for your belt just before your about to leave. Have everything ready, you have enough to be thinking about.

Bring Copies of your CV and a Notebook

Take five copies of your CV to the interview with you just in case there are multiple interviewers. This shows your organised and considerate. Having a notebook allows you to take notes of key information that the interviewer is telling you. This shows you are interested and serious about the role, however, don’t use a tablet or phone to take notes as this may be seen as ignorant or rude.

Arrive Early

Be at the interview 10 – 15 minutes before the interview. Do a recon of the commute a few days before the interview so you know where the building is, how busy is the traffic, where you can park and how long of a walk you have to get there.

Make a great first impression

First impressions last, people say it for a reason. Make sure you look professional check your clothes for stains and your shoes are shined etc. Try and display confident positive body language, give a firm but not too tight handshake and remember to smile throughout the interview.

Treat Everyone As If They are The Hiring Manager

This goes without saying but nerves can interfere. Just remember to treat everyone with respect including front desk staff, security personnel cleaning personnel, security etc. Your potential employer may ask for feedback from other employees and as we said earlier first impressions last.

Respond Honestly to Questions

It may be tempting to decorate your skills and achievements in our experience interviewers find honesty respectable and refreshing. Focus on key strengths and again use the STAR model to deflect questions you may think show weaknesses.

Bring Them Back to your Skills and Achievements

When asked a question use it to your advantage by bringing to examples of how your skills and experience helped your past companies. Keep your answers focused and concise as your time is limited in an interview.

Do Not:

Speak negatively about past roles or employers as this makes you come across as adverse in an interview. If you feel your not getting what you want out of your current role, try focus on the skills and experience you have gained and what you want in the short and long term.  

After The Interview

Ask About the Next Stage

Ask the interviewer about what the next stage in the process are. This shows enthusiasm for the role and will allow you to prepare for the next stage in the process.

Send a thank you email.

Send a thank you email to the interviewer, showing your appreciation for taking time out of their busy schedules. This shows that you are considerate.

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